orbiTouch Testimonials
Cerebral Palsy
You had to be there to capture the moment for Shawn G. It was a moment of joy beyond description. It was an exhilarating moment of liberation when Sean looked up and saw he had spelled his name using the orbiTouch keyless keyboard.
- John W., Assistive technology writer reporting on Shawn G.
One of my jobs is to prepare a weekly report about volunteer activity. Before I began using the orbiTouch, it would take more than 2 hours to complete. Now I am able to do it in a half hour to 45 minutes.
- Shirley J.
I have to tell you that we, the assistive technology team, are so impressed by this keyboard that I had to pry it out of a colleague's hands to bring it to Amy. We LOVE the mouse feature and Amy caught on very quickly to the process.
- Sally N.
The orbiTouch helps me stay in touch with my family across the US and helps me schedule my doctors appointments.
- Mark H.
I have both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis pain in my hands, especially my thumbs, increases almost daily. I like that the orbiTouch decreases the motion required to type and operate the mouse. This helps me at work and at home daily to use the internet, email, and financial records. I have arthritis in my left hand and it is bothersome to use a regular keyboard. The orbiTouch helps a lot.
- Mike S, a disabled veteran.
Traumatic Brain Injury
This is the future. I can easily see the orbiTouch for employment.
- Howard K.
Low Vision
I have to tell you that we, the assistive technology team, are so impressed by this keyboard that I had to pry it out of a colleague's hands to bring it to Amy. We LOVE the mouse feature and Amy caught on very quickly to the process.
- Sally N.
“I have the ability to work and want very much to work full time” says Grace who is determined to succeed. She has told her friends about the orbiTouch and believes that it plays educational, recreational, and career roles in the lives of people with special needs and disabilities. “The orbiTouch gives individuals with special needs a voice in the information technology field”
- Grace Z.
My husband and I believe the orbiTouch holds great promise as a means of communication for certain children on the autism spectrum because each of these children learns so very differently and there is no set therapy guideline we as parents are always looking to try anything that just might be exactly what our child needs in order to communicate.
- Karen H.
The orbiTouch is creating a bridge between the child, who can not communicate, and those that love and care for him the most. What an incredible tool to provide to these families and know that each child is crossing that bridge of communication with their loved ones.
- Allie S.
"The orbiTouch has given our family the joy in watching a child that hated to write blossom into one who is writing and even making small power point presentations."
- Allie S, Mother of a son with autism.
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
I will have to say I was very skeptical about how easy this device would be to learn and to use. To my great surprise it was easy to learn and use. There are some muscle control issues that you need to work on but with practice these issues are easily overcome. I give it 4 out of 5 stars and think the device is very beneficial to those with hand issues.
- John F
I hope more manufacturers will begin to make the device offering a wider variety of options at competitive prices, to the enormous benefit of people who can’t or don’t want to use regular keyboards.
- Barbara M.
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Research Papers
1. "The Keybowl, an Ergonomically Designed Document Processing Device" - Peter J. McAlindon & Kay M. Stanney
2. "Analyses to Determine the Optimum Layout for an Alternative Keyboard" - Florian Jentsch & Peter McAlindon
3. "Autism and the orbiTouch Keyless Keyboard" - Peter McAlindon, Clayton Mayo, Breson Delater
4. "Force and Displacement Preferences for an Alternative Keyboard" - Florian Jentsch & James M. Hitt, II & Peter McAlindon
5. "An Analysis of Motion in Typing with the orbiTouch" - Peter J. McAlindon
6. "The Development and Evaluation of the Keybowl: A Study on an Ergonomically Designed Alphanumeric Input Device" - Peter J. McAlindon
7. "orbiTouch Whitepaper" - Peter McAlindon