The induction of Medal of Honor recipient Sergeant First Class Leroy Petry on Wednesday got me thinking about orbiTouch’s involvement with the military. SFC Petry knows the true meaning of sacrifice--he lost his hand in Pakyta, Afghanistan, after saving two fellow Army Rangers from a live enemy grenade. While Petry’s actions are nothing short of heroic, his life will be irrevocably changed as he learns to assimilate to life using a prosthesis.
SFC Petry, along with thousands of other military veterans who now use a prosthesis, must learn how to acclimate to a new life where keyboard use is intrinsically different. Products like orbiTouch aim to address this difference.
A couple of months ago, we sent one of our orbiTouch units to Ft. Bliss, Texas, so the staff operating the Warrior Transition Unit could evaluate our product. Here’s what SSG Roy Havens, Squad Leader to assist Wounded Warriors, had to say:
“Given the nature of our Wounded Warriors transitioning through the Warrior Transition Battalion here in Fort Bliss Texas, the OrbiTouch is a useful asset to Soldiers with debilitative arm and hand injuries and motor functions.”
We were thrilled by this early positive feedback.
Because in a digital age, the inability to use a computer is synonymous with losing your voice. orbiTouch is a tool that can open up immense possibilities for those transitioning to post-military life.
Just think about job search, for instance. Writing resumes, researching prospective employers, composing emails, and networking through Facebook and LinkedIn are all things that can be done using orbiTouch. If using a standard keyboard is difficult for you because you have limited hand mobility, orbiTouch may be the answer for you.
The kind of feedback we received from Ft. Bliss is crucial to making this product the best it can be. IIf you are a military veteran or organization, and would like to try orbiTouch for free, please email or find us on Facebook at